
Another long break since the last time I posted on this site. I did in fact finish up the models from my last blog post. Here’s a photo of the final product.

Shrine that I rendered in Unreal

I wasn’t able to get as many elements into the level as I would have liked, but overall I’m pretty satisfied with how the atmosphere turned out. Maybe a little less fog next time.

A shrine tower 3d model based off of the Fushimi Inari shrine in Kyoto, Japan.
Shrine Tower
Maya 2014

Term End

Finally finished with the term! It was a harrowing eight weeks in which I had all-nighters at least once a week. I finally pulled through - my final was yesterday. Since then, I have had a total of at least twenty hours of sleep, if not more. Finally being able to catch up on my sleep has worked wonders.

In the game production class I took, we worked on modeling game level elements. Next term, we’ll be texturing and putting on the final touches for our models.

Figure drawing of a woman done in pencil

Figure drawing of a woman done in pencil

Figure drawing of a woman done in pencil

Game Art and Portfolios

It’s been quite a while since I updated this site. Since Dunked.com started charging for their services, I have deleted my account with them and am in the process of moving my portfolio to this website. I’ll be delving into Jekyll once more to work out a suitable template for my portfolio.

As far as school goes, I’m currently in Game Pro I, where we build two game levels - one personal level as a solo project and one collaborative effort with a group of classmates. I’ll probably post work from the group level when we are further along in the project. For my personal level, I decided to do a shrine haunted by spirits who manifest as blue lights in lanterns and other lit objects scattered around the level. The architecture is heavily influenced by Japanese Shinto shrines as well as Buddhist temples in Korea and China.

Figure drawing of a woman done in pencil

Figure drawing of a woman done in pencil

Figure drawing of a woman done in pencil

On happiness and friendship

Just before I launch into know-it-all preachy mode, just an quick update on my life -

I went up to Oregon last weekend for my cousin Brian’s wedding! Brian and Lindsey had one of the most touching ceremonies I have ever witnessed and I am honored to have been there for them. I took dozens of photos but my parents are still up north with the camera so those will have to wait. My family is going to Patrick’s Point and Agate Beach without me since I have school all week; I flew home early Monday morning and am staying with friends.

For lack of a better title

It’s been quite a long time, hasn’t it? There’s been so much going on that I haven’t been able to do much - and when I have, I don’t feel like doing anything. Quite the dilemma.

We finally finished our documentary project - it’s up and running on YouTube with over 1000 views and 500+ notes on Tumblr!

Different evolutions of Eevee from Pokémon represented as pixel graphics.
Pixel Eeveelutions
Photoshop CS6

General life updates

Finally got my new design up, after over a month! I’ve been getting more and more busy with school. My final Bootcamp project turned out to be much, much better than I expected. I think I’m actually a better artist than I thought! I mean, I do know that I’m decent at design, but I always told people I was not good at drawing, and yet here is undeniable proof that I can do more than scribble.

A fantasy-inspired traditional sketch of human skeletons with magical fire in their hands riding on large cheetah skeletons.
charcoal, pencil, conté crayon

Figure based on art by Pierre-Paul Prud’hon
Figure based on art by Pierre-Paul Prud’hon
pencil, conté crayon