I don’t know if it’s just me, but finding an aesthetically pleasing G is the bane of my existence. I’ve never liked the way G looks in any font — especially cursive G’s, those are the worst. Lowercase g’s don’t make much sense either, especially the looptail variety. I used to spend hours as a child rewriting my name over and over because I couldn’t get it to look like how I wanted it to look (still haven’t quite gotten it right).

As time has passed, this search for the perfect G has spilled over into other parts of my life. I spent three hours browsing Etsy the other day because I wanted an initial necklace and all the G’s were too narrow, too angled, not special in any particular way.

I also have struggled with making favicons/OpenGraph images for my site. I’ve avoided proper identity design by simply using my initial, but then I spend even more time trying to perfect it.

Logo design from 2013
White G logo design on a red background from 2013
Logo design from 2014
White G logo design on a dark grey background from 2014
Logo design from 2016
White G logo design on a light pink background from 2016
Logo design from 2021
White G logo design on a pink background from 2021

With my first proper website design, I simply threw the initial in my website font onto a red background and called it a day. Later iterations were more or less the same thing, with varying colors and backgrounds. This proven technique has led me to my current icon design, though I think I like the G a little more this time around.

Current logo design used in OpenGraph image for graphic page
Current logo design used in OpenGraph image for graphic page, with a background composed of randomly placed outlined stars and circles.
Current logo design used in OpenGraph image for post pages
Current logo design used in OpenGraph image for post pages, with a background resembling a piece of lined paper.

Maybe it’s because wide sans-serif fonts are trendy right now, but something about the oval that is deeply satisfying, more so than the perfect circles I emulated in previous iterations. I also added the cut-off corner motif that is used all over my site.

Vector points used for logo design

I decided to rotate the background for favicons since the square would utilize more space than the diamond shape.

Logo version used for iOS and OpenGraph
Logo version used for iOS and OpenGraph. A capital letter G sits in front of a diamond shape on a gradient background.
Logo version used for favicons and Android
Logo version used for favicons and Android. A capital letter G sits in front of an octagon with a gradient.

I used to have to search for a favicon generator every time I updated mine, but I finally just installed ImageMagick and made the .ico file myself.

convert ./favicon.png ./android-chrome-48x48.png ./favicon-32x32.png ./favicon-24x24.png ./favicon-16x16.png ./favicon.ico

All that to say, I think this G is close enough to perfection for me. Now I just have to figure out how to get this version onto a necklace.