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You can follow and interact with me at these links! These are open to everybody.

Message me at one of these regarding possible work opportunities:

These may be updated occasionally.

These profiles belong to me, but I don't accept requests from strangers, sorry!

These profiles are empty and may be used in the future.

These are unlikely to be updated.

These are no longer maintained and are considered "archived".

Here's a disclaimer:

I believe that in this day and age, a person's online presence is especially important. I don't wish to hide anything about myself online; if I don't want people to know, I don't post it anywhere on the Internet.

That being said, I do not claim ownership of any sites or social networking profiles other than the ones listed on this page. I do not take responsibility for content on other websites - if it's not on here, it's not me.

I have various accounts on forum sites for browsing; I no longer maintain any fan pages.

Please only contact me regarding content* if it is located on one of these websites or social networking profiles; otherwise, I cannot help you.

*sources, removal, attribution, etc.